Torah Study PDFs

These numbered PDF files contain weekly study guides. Each handout is two pages, containing the title of the Parashah (portion), scripture references and summaries, questions that can be used to guide your study during the week and our time of discussion. Daily devotional questions and scripture references are also provided for reflection and application.  We may not always discuss every question each week, nor is our discussion limited to the questions provided.

This week’s Parashah: 17-3 Yitro (Jethro)

Introduction to Torah Study

Torah Study 5785

1-3 B’resheet (In the beginning)
2-3 Noakh (Noah)
3-3 Lekh Lkha (Go for yourself)
4-3 Vayera (And he saw)
5-3 Hayyei Sarah (Life of Sarah)
6-3 Toldot (History)
7-3 Vayetze (He went out)
8-3 Vayishlakh (He sent)
9-3 Vayeshev (He continued living)
10-3 Mikketz (At the end)
11-3 Vayigash (He approached)
12-3 Vayechi (He lived)
13-3 Sh’mot (Names)
14-3 Vayera (I appeared)
15-3 Bo (Go)
16-3 B’shalakh (After he had let go)
17-3 Yitro (Jethro)

Torah Study 5784

1-2 B’resheet (In the beginning)
2-2 Noakh (Noah)
3-2 Lekh L’kha (Go for yourself)
4-2 Vayera (He Appeared)
5-2 Hayyei Sarah (The Life of Sarah)
6-2 Toldot (History)
7-2 Vayetze (He went out)
8-2 Vayishlakh (He sent)  
9-2 Vayeshev (He continued living)
10-2 Mikketz (At the end)
11-2 Vayigash (He approached)
12-2 Vayekhi (He lived)

13-2 Shemot (Names)
14-2 Vayera (I appeared)
15-2 Bo (Come)
16- B’shellakh (After he had let go)
17-2 Yitro (Jethro)
18-2 Mishpatim (Rulings)
19-2 T’rumah (Contributions)
20-2 Tetsaveh (You are to order)
21-2 Ki Tisa (When you take) 
22-2 Vayaq’hel (He assembled)
23-2 P’qudei (Accounts)
24-2 Vayikra (And he called)
25-2 Tzav (Give and Order)
26-2 Sh’mini (Eigth)
27-2 Tazria (She Conceives)
28-2 Metzora (Diseased)
Khol Ha’Mo’ed Pesakh
29-2 Akharei Mot (After the death)
30-2 Qedoshim (Holy Ones)
31-2 Emor (Speak)
32-2 B’har (On the mountain)
33-2 Bekhukkotai (By my statutes)
34-2 B’midbar (In the wilderness)
35-2 Naso (Lift up)
36-2 B’ha’alotkha (When you set up)
37-2 Sh’lakh L’kha (Send on your behalf)
38-2 Qorakh (Korah)
39-2 Khuqat (Regulations)
40-2 Balak
41-2 Pinchas
42/43-2 Matot/Masa’ei (Tribes/Stages)

44-2 D’varim (Words)
45-2 Va’etkhanan (I pleaded)
46-2 ‘Ekev (Because)
47-2 Re’eh (See)
48-2 Shof’tim (Judges)
49-2 Ki Tetze (When you go out)
50-2 Ki Tavo (When you come)
51/52-2 Nitzavim/Vayelekh
53-2 Ha’azinu (Give ear)

54-2 V’zot Haberakha (This is the blessing) – This Week – 10/19/2024

Previous Years Worksheets:

Three World Views of the First Century

Torah Study 5783

B’resheet (Genesis)
1-1 B’resheet (In the beginning)
2-1 Noakh (Noah)
3-1 Lekh L’kha (Get yourself out)
4-1 Vayera (He appeared)
5-1 Hayyei Sarah (Sarah’s life)
6-1 Tol’dot (History)
7-1 Vayetze (He went out)
8-1 Vayishlakh (He sent)
9-1 Vayeshev (He continued living)
10-1 Mikketz (At the end)
11-1 Vayigash (He approached)
12-1 Vayechi (He Lived)

Sh’mot (Exodus)
13-1 Sh’mot (Names)
14-1 Va’era (I appeared)
15-1 Bo (Go)
16-1 B’shallakh (He sent)
17-1 Yitro (Jethro)
18-1 Mishpatim (Rulings)
19-1 T’rumah (Contribution)
20 Tetzaveh (You are to order)
21 Ki Tisa (When you lift up)
22-23-1 Vayaq’hel/Pequdei

Vayikra (Leviticus)
24-1 Vayiqra (And he called)
25-1 Tzav (Give an order)

B’midbar (Numbers)
34-1 B’midbar (In the wilderness)
36-1 B’ha’alotkha (When you set up)
37-1 Sh’lakh L’kha (Send for yourself)
38-1 Korakh (Korah)
39/40-1 Khuqat/Balak (Regulations/Balak)
41-1 Pinkhas (Phineas)
42/43-1 Matton/Masaei (Tribes/Stages)

D’varim (Deuteronomy)
44-1 D’varim (Words)
45-1 Va’etkhanan (I pleaded)
46-1 ‘Ekev (Because)
47-1 Re’eh (See)
48-1 Shoftim (Judges)
49-1 Ki Tetze (When you go out)
50-1 Ki Tavo (When you come)
51/52-1 Nitzavim/Vayelekh (Standing/He went)
53-1 Ha’azinu (Give ear)
54-1 V’zot HaBrakhah (This is the blessing)


Daily Torah Readings
Parashah Pesakh Shabbat Chol Ha’Mo’ed

Rosh Hashanah:
Responsive Reading

Sukkah Prayer


B’resheet (Genesis)

01 B’resheet (In the beginning) 1:1-6:8
02 Noach (Noah) 6:9-11:32
03 Lekh L’kha (Get yourself out) 12:1-17:27
04 Vayera (He appeared) 18:1-22:24
05 Hayyei-Sarah (Sarah’s life) 23:1-25:18
06 Tol’dot (History) 25:28-9
07 Vayetze (He went out) 28:10-32:3(2)
08 Vayishlach (He sent) 32:4(3)-36:43
09 Vayeshev (He continued living) 37:1-40:23
10 Mikketz (At the end) 41:1-44:17
11 Vayigash (He approached) 44:18-47:27
12 Vayechi (He lived) 47:28-50:26

Sh’mot (Exodus)

13 Sh’mot (Names) 1:1-6:1
14 Va’era (I appeared) 6:2-9:35
15 Bo (Go) 10:1-13:16
16 B’shellach (After he had let go) 13:17-17:16
17 Yitro (Jethro) 18:1-20:23(26)
18 Mishpatim (Rulings) 21:1-24:18
19 Terumah (Contribution) 25:1-27:19
20 Tetzaveh (You are to order) 27:20-30:10
21 Ki Tissa (When you take) 30:11-34:35
22 Vayak’hel (He assembled) 35:1-38:20
23 P’kudei (Accounts) 38:21-40:38

Vayikra (Leviticus)

24 Vayikra (He called) 1:1-5:26(6:7)
25 Tzav (Give an order) 6:1(8)-8:36
26 Sh’mini (Eighth) 9:1-11:47
27 Tazria (She conceives) 12:1-13:59
28 M’tzora (Person afflicted with tzara’at) 14:1-15:33
29 Achrei Mot (After the death) 16:1-18:30
30 Kedoshim (Holy people) 19:1-20:27
31 Emor (Speak) 21:1-24:23
32 B’har (On Mount) 25:1-26:2
33 B’chukkotai (By my regulations) 26:3-27:34

B’midbar (Numbers)

34 B’midbar (In the desert) 1:1-4:20
35 Nasso (Take) 4:21-7:89
36 B’ha’alotcha (When you set up) 8:1-12:16
37 Schlach Lekha (Send on your behalf) 13:1-15:41
38 Korach (Korah) 16:1-18:32
39 Hukkat (Regulation) 9:1-22:1
40 Balak (Balak) 22:2-25:9
41 Pinchas (Phinehas) 25:10-30:1(29:40)
42 Mattot (Tribes) 30:2(1)-32:42
43 Massei (Stages) 33:1-36:13

D’varim (Deuteronomy)

44 D’varim (Words) 1:1-3:22
45 Va’etchanan (I pleaded) 3:23-7:11
46 ‘Ekev (Because) 7:12-11:25
47 Re’eh (See) 11:26-16:17
48 Shoftim (Judges) 16:18-21:9
49 Ki Tetze (When you go out) 21:10-25:19
50 Ki Tavo (When you come) 26:1-29:8(9)
51 Nitzavim (Standing) 29:9(10)-30:20
52 Vayelekh (He went) 31:1-30
53 Ha’azinu (Hear) 32:1-52

54 V’zot Ha Brachah (This is the blessing) 33:1-34:12

Shabbat Prayers (liturgy)

Torah Study (liturgy)

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Notes for our current Bible Study Series (Intended only for those who attend!):
Ten Behavior Modes
4-7-2020 Notes/Slides
Seven Shepherds
Counting the Omer

Proverbs 31 Session 1
Proverbs 31 Session 2
Proverbs 31 Session 3
Proverbs 31 Session 4
Proverbs 31 Session 5
Proverbs 31 Session 6

Hanukah Candle Lighting

Psalms Overview

Shalom – Hebrew for “peace.” The concept of, “nothing missing, nothing broken…”